Thursday, December 29, 2011

Chapter 1

1. How does Kate discover her baby is blind and deaf?
Kate discover that  her baby is blind and deaf when she mover her finger in front of Helen's eyes and she didn't react, the baby didn't move her eyes.

2. Tell the number if years that elapse between Helen's infancy and the paper doll scene with Percy and Martha?
The number of years that elapse between Helen's infancy and the paper doll scene was 5 years.

3. What does Helen do that shows she knows Percy is talking?
When percy was talking to Helen and she was feeling his mouth, she was touching it.

4. When Martha removes Helen's hand from her biting mouth, How does she react?
She was touching her knees and shoulders and then Martha starts to scream.

5. To which family member does Helen seems closest?
Helen seems closest to her mother Kate. Kate shows more love to her and thats why Helen loves her more.

6. Why is Helen troubled by Aunt Ev's towel doll? How does she remedy the situation?
She had trouble because the doll didn't have eyes and other stuff so she decided to put to her doll eyes and bottoms.

7. How does the family compensate for Helen affliction?

8. When does Captain Keller agree to contact the oculist in Baltimore? 

9. Helen's half brother, James, holds what opinion of her?

10. List three pieces of information we learn from Mr.Anagnos farewell conversation with Annie Sullivan at the Perkins institute?

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